Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Different Kind of Longing

How I long....
How long to crawl into a bed.
How I long to sleep in that bed all night long. How I long to sleep in a bed all night long and not in a recliner.
How I long to lie on my side or my stomach with my face buried in a pillow once in that bed.
How I long to sleep comfortably without pain throughout the night.
How I long to sleep through the night without waking up every hour because of pain.
How I long to sleep all night long without fear of the next day and how hard it will be because of lack of sleep that night. 
How I long to be able to fall asleep without first having to take pain medication.
How long to be able to fall asleep before I'm so exhausted that I cannot stay awake.
How I long to be able to relax without taking medication that makes me relax.
How I long to awaken without dry mouth because of all that medication.
How long for my teeth to not be in such bad shape because of the dry mouth and all the medication.
How I long to not sleep away the morning because I didn't fall asleep until morning.
How I long to be awake early enough to see the morning glories blossom and to see the morning sun while the birds sing their morning songs.
How I long to not always have to give explanations to people as to why I cannot come to things early in the morning.
How I long to not invoke people's pity when they don't know how to respond to my explanations.
How I long to not feel the guilt that comes constantly because people don't understand and they just think I'm lazy in the mornings.
Oh, how I long

1 comment:

  1. Note: in publishing this journal entry, I am not seeking sympathy or worse, pity. It is just that I wanted to share my experience dealing with this chronic condition in hopes that someone else may identify and find comfort in not being alone in their condition. Plus, I find it very therapeutic to journal my thoughts and feelings.
