Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Clinic

I wrote this on Tuesday, February 9, 2010 but I want to repost it today as I'm remembering the lessons God gave me that day.

There's a hopelessness that hangs like a dark curtain in a theater - pulled up to the ceiling draped in half moons between the draw lines - one, two, three, all the way across the stage.

And a feeling of sad, fearful expectation that at any moment one of those heavy cloth moons, if not the entire curtain may slip and come crashing down on you.

This place, where one goes to get help with life's ills, is such a reminder of the pain, the suffering, the lack of hope that can fill you when you very body is under attack. It reminds you of the fear that accompanies the realization of just how powerless you are against the germ that invaded your body.

Yet with God, no curtain will fall on you that will remove you from His care, His watchful eye. He is still in control and has never let you go. In God, this place, even with its dark, menacing curtain, is just a tool in His hands to bring life and health to your mortal body. There is no need for sad and fearful expectation, but rather a confident, peaceful trust that the Giver of all life holds you in His hand.

Hope replaces hopelessness.
Faith replaces fear.
Joy replaces sadness.

And even though you may still sense the foreboding darkness, in Him, everything is lighter.

"But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more."
-Psalm 71:14
written 2/9/10 while waiting to be seen at the Health Clinic, pondering how often I'd been to that place in recent years

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