Thursday, January 25, 2018

Life's Winter

“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” - John 12:24

Life’s winter

Beautiful in its own right, the once verdant vine hangs limply on the fence;
Its leaves turned gray as that of time and old age.

They dangle on their stems synchronized in their movement
as they rhythmically sway in the cold breeze that blows;
reminding us of both their past glory
and of the future weather that approaches.

The few birds who have dared to stay
scurry about seeking sustenance,
finding seeds from the fruit that grew abundantly on the vine
only a few months past.
Fallen seeds not consumed by our feathered friends will rest all winter
only to begin the cycle again in the Spring.

New life of Spring
Verdant green abundance of Summer
Slowing fade of Fall
Restful end of Winter.

Yet, not really an end. Just a reset.
For life continues with each new cycle.
For even in death, life continues.

Fruit and seeds feed others.
Purpose is fulfilled.
