Saturday, December 6, 2014

It was God!

"It was God"

Today, my mother had a procedure in the hospital. She had had a stress test and echo on her heart Tuesday and the doctor became alarmed enough that he said she had to have an arteriogram immediately. He said he had seen multiple blockages and was certain she would need to get a bypass. Needless to say, we were all concerned.

So, last night, I gathered my family around Mom and we prayed. After instruction in the laying on of hands, the little ones put their precious hands all over my mom. The youngest, Cody, who is six, was right there with us. While he chose not to pray out loud, he obviously took the process very seriously.

At the hospital, Mom had her procedure and the doctor came in and told the family that he had been surprised, that Mom's arteries were clear with absolutely no blockage. Later in the day, Cody and I went out for some special Aunt/Nephew time and we were discussing the day's events at the hospital. He had been the only child who had been able to go see Maw-maw in the hospital, so I am sure seeing her in a hospital gown and not in her apron in the kitchen was very different for him. I was explaining to Cody how arteries can get clogged up like a pipe gets clogged up and I suppose I must have indicated that the doctor may have been mistaken in his alarm. Cody very earnestly, yet quietly reminded me, "It was God."

Oh the faith of children! Cody readily recognized the hand of God in Mom's arteries being clear. After all, that's what we asked God to do when we prayed. He did not question it and was convinced that God was the reason the doctor had such a pleasant surprise. Jesus said we must receive the Kingdom of God like a little child or we'll not enter that kingdom. Children, in their unwavering trust and innocence, just believe that when they ask God to do something, He will do it.

When we pray, it takes the faith of a mustard seed. When we pray, it takes the belief of a child. One is tiny, and apparently the other is giant. Children take people at their word. Children believe. When you pray for people, issues, events in your life, pray with the faith you have, no matter how small it may be and then believe with the giant faith of a child.  And then, you'll be convinced that God will act, and don't be surprised when He does.

"He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you."  Luke 17:6

"Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Luke 18:17

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24

12/6/2014 2:23 AM EST